Arena 4 Palme is the most important outdoor basketball court in Roseto. The town is known for its strong basketball tradition and the Arena has been one of its most symbolic venues.
In the aftermath of World War II, the growing passion for basketball made it necessary to provide the city with a new and more suitable court, and the Arena 4 Palme was thus built in a few years. The name comes from four “Phoenix Canariense” palm trees, unfortunately cut down in 2014 due to disease, that were placed at the entrance, where a mosaic was created by the local artist Bruno Zenobio in 2001.

Being located in the heart of Roseto, the Arena also became a place for entertainment and shows, complete with a bar and restaurant that still exist today. In the mid-1970s, the Arena was renovated and became the setting for one of the most important summer tournaments for the city: the Trofeo Lido delle Rose, born in 1945. The court of the Arena was then stepped on by some of the most prestigious teams in Italy and Europe. It is suitable for various recreational sports activities and is considered a place of fun and socializing by citizens and tourists alike.