The Enchanted Village


28 October 2023 - 1 November 2023    
Tutto il giorno


Borgo di Montepagano
Piazza del Municipio, Roseto degli Abruzzi, 64026

Categoria Evento

After the great success of the first edition, the event dedicated to the world’s most famous magician is back!

The Enchanted Village in Montepagano is renewed to once again bring magic to life. Children will once again be the protagonists, immersing themselves in secret spells, preparing colorful magic potions and enjoying interactive themed shows in a village that will become truly enchanted.

The natural stage for this extraordinary initiative will be the beautiful village of Montepagano, which for the occasion will be transformed into the perfect scenic setting to make the experience even more atmospheric.

Compared to last year, you will have an extra day to dream, cross the famous track, meet the masters of the famous school and really become great little wizards. The alleys and squares will be transformed into a mysterious territory, populated by magical creatures that will fascinate and amaze. Charming, charismatic and somewhat scary witches will make their way through the streets.

You can participate in Magic School, the Magic Tour, visit the Dark Lord’s Sanctuary, ride the Magic Unicorn, go to Grimmauld Place 12, don the Invisibility Cloak, access free recreational activities in the plaza and participate in the Cosplay Contest to make your Halloween truly unique.

When and Where:
The Enchanted Village – Magic in Montepagano will be held from Saturday, Oct. 28 to Wednesday, Nov. 1 in the center of the village of Montepagano.

The five-day program will be divided into three important moments:

The Magic School (morning): Young participants will be involved from the morning, accompanied to the Magic School from 09:00 to 13:00 with activities suitable for children aged 5 to 13. There will be an opening ceremony at the common room, where the Talking Hat will divide the children by assigning a House to each one through an interactive show. The famous magic wand store owner will assign the right wand to each little wizard in his mysterious store through an interactive show. A theoretical and practical Falconry class with fantastic animals will also be available, followed by an hour-long creative workshop where children will have fun with experiments, potions and themed constructions. At 1 p.m. there will be a final ceremony and graduation of MAGO! There will be no shortage of themed areas and many surprises throughout the morning.

The Magic Tour (afternoon): In the afternoon, the Enchanted Village will be devoted to the Magic Tour, with lots of activities not to be missed. Admissions will be from 2:40 p.m. to 8:40 p.m., with a duration of 1 hour and admissions every 20 minutes. Visitors will access the Magic Tour by going through the Magic Binary, but they will have to be very careful of the Soulless Demons they find along the way. They will stroll through the streets of the Enchanted Village among Giant Spiders, Witches and Fantastic Creatures. They will visit the Giant Keeper’s House, the Magic Wand Shop, the Headmaster’s Office, and attend the Magic Potions show. During the Falconry Show they will have the opportunity to learn how to handle fantastic creatures. Finally, the Chamber of Secrets will be one of the rooms fulcrum of mystery and magic to be discovered together.

The Dark Lord’s Shelter: An atmospheric experience that you can enjoy every day from 2:40 to 8:40 p.m., with a duration of 30 minutes and entrances every 1 hour. You will find hidden Horcruxes, solve puzzles and be immersed in an atmospheric and engaging atmosphere.

Grimmauld Place 12: Grimmauld Place 12 is the Saga Values Trail with first entry at 3 p.m. and second entry at 6:30 p.m., with a duration of 1 hour. The attraction also includes a visit to the Montepagano Historical Museum.

Sibyl predictions:
New for 2023 with Sibyl’s predictions that we will tell you about soon!

Extra Activities:
Extra Activities will take place from 2:40 to 8:40 p.m. and will include Creative Workshops, Cloak of Invisibility and Ride the Unicorn that will delight little fans. Some activities will require an entrance fee at the time.

Recreational Activities in the Square:
Recreational activities will be available in the square with a giant Chess Board, where you can improvise as a skilled player with the help of dedicated teachers. These activities will be free for all afternoons of the event.

Cosplay Competition and Musical Evening:
Get ready to show off your costume on October 31, 2023 starting at 8:30 pm! The most important Cosplayer Competition dedicated to J. K. Rowling’s universe will be held. From 10 p.m., there will be an evening of music with the band I Pupazzi.

Borgo Incantato Borgo Inclusivo:
One of the foundational elements of the project is inclusion. Belonging to something, to a group of people, to a society and fully enjoying all the opportunities that this belonging entails is the real magic. Inclusion is key to appreciating oneself and others!

Participation Fee:

Magic School (morning): 50 euros per child

Magic Tour: 10 euros for children from 4 years old, 15 euros for adults

Shelter of the Dark Lord: 10 euros per person

Grimmauld Place 12: 10 euros per person

Sibyl predictions: 5 euros per person

Free Access for the Disabled:
Access to the Magic Tour and the Dark Lord’s Shelter is free for people with disabilities.

Extra Activities:
Some extra activities will require an entrance fee: 5 euros per child for Workshops, 5 euros for Cloak of Invisibility and 4 euros for Ride the Unicorn.

Food Area:
There will be a food area filled with sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy and the legendary Burrobirra, open for the duration of the event.

How to Book:
For more information and reservations, you can click here or go to a CiaoTickets outlet.