The Award
New award for Roseto degli Abruzzi, for its sea and its tourist hospitality. An acknowledgment that comes from Legambiente and Touring Club, who have promoted the city by awarding it the prestigious three “Sails”. The official announcement came on Friday morning in Rome, at the national headquarters of Legambiente, during the presentation of the twenty-third edition of “The Most Beautiful Sea 2023,” the Blue Guide to the best coastal and lakeside locations by Legambiente and Touring Club Italiano. Specifically, Roseto has been awarded primarily for its conservation of the territory and landscape, as well as the quality of hospitality and tourism sustainability.

The Guide
The guide reviews over 400 Italian coastal municipalities, rewarding those who have best combined territories and excellent locations with courageous and innovative sustainable development strategies. The Sails are the emblem awarded to the most deserving municipalities based on data collected by Legambiente. A symbol that attests not only to the purity of the waters but also to the overall environmental quality and services offered. It provides an overview of the positive contributions made by coastal local administrations throughout our peninsula to meet the challenges posed by the global environmental crisis.