The Pinewoods of Roseto degli Abruzzi

“Ascolta. Piove / dalle nuvole sparse. / Piove su le tamerici / salmastre ed arse, / piove su i pini / scagliosi ed irti, / piove su i mirti / divini, / su le ginestre fulgenti / di fiori accolti, / su i ginepri folti / di coccole aulenti, / piove su i nostri volti / silvani, / piove su le nostre mani / ignude, / su i nostri vestimenti / leggieri, / su i freschi pensieri / che l’anima schiude / novella, / su la favola bella / che ieri / t’illuse, che oggi m’illude, / o Ermione.”

Gabriele d’Annunzio, La pioggia nel pineto,Alcyone, 1902-03

The Pineta Mazzarosa

To escape the summer heat, find some tranquility, or break away from the hectic daily routine, we recommend immersing yourself in the Borsacchio Reserve which preserves a place of great cultural and landscape value, one of the historical treasures of the city of Roseto degli Abruzzi: the Pineta Mazzarosa, in the area in front of the eastern side of Villa Mazzarosa, now a remnant of what was once the seaside park of the residence of Senator Giuseppe Devincenzi (1814-1903) and the adjacent coastal farm.

The Pineta Mazzarosa is still a place of great attraction for visitors. Here, you can stroll along the suggestive avenue of maritime pines and holm oaks, about a hundred trees of remarkable dimensions, considered real natural monuments. The emblem of a Mediterranean scrub to be preserved and protected.

The Pineta Centrale

The Pineta Centrale is a place with origins dating back to the foundation of the city. Characterized by the presence of majestic maritime pines, it is located between the central station, the promenade, and residential areas. Over the years, it has often been used as an entertainment area and as a venue for artistic and sporting events.

We remember it as the setting for the collective art exhibition “Art under the pine trees” or as a location for recreational activities for both adults and children, such as the puppet theater.

Today, the pinewood is surrounded by commercial activities and represents a place of relaxation and refreshment, with benches and a playground for children.

The Pineta Savini

The Pineta Savini is an ideal place to spend time outdoors surrounded by greenery. Also located near the center of the town, overlooking the north seafront, the beautiful Pineta Savini was originally owned by the noble Teramo family of Savini, from which it takes its name. Also located near the center of the town, overlooking the northern waterfront, the Pineta Savini was originally owned by the noble Savini family from Teramo, from whom it takes its name.

At the end of the 1970s, the Municipality of Roseto degli Abruzzi acquired the property of the entire area, creating a public park. More pine trees were planted, and in addition to numerous benches, a basin, designed by the well-known Rosetan painter Luigi Celommi, who was then a municipal technician, was installed.

More recently, a playground with a special anti-trauma flooring and a free fitness area have been built. The park is now dedicated to Sigismondo Savini (Teramo 1886 – Rome 1961), an agricultural entrepreneur, and a member of the noble family who owned the villa located right in front of the pinewood.

Villa Savini was built starting from April 1894 by Giuseppe Savini initially as a summer residence and only later became the main seat of a branch of the same family. In Liberty style and with references to the architectural model of Renaissance inspiration, it has a strong historical and cultural value linked to the origins and development of the city.