Tourist Medical Guard

The Teramo Local Health Authority has announced that from July 1, 2024, and until August 31, 2024, the Medical Assistance to Tourists service will also be activated in Roseto degli Abruzzi for the current summer season.
The Tourist Assistance Service provides for outpatient medical examinations and home visits with the following operating methods for each professional category involved:

Single-role physicians

(a) Primary Care Physicians of Choice (GPs) will carry out their activities in their private practices and association facilities (NCP, UCCP) during the hours their practices are open.
GPs provide outpatient/domiciliary visits to citizens who are occasionally outside their municipality of residence, paying the service directly to the doctor according to the following rates:
Outpatient visit: €20.00;
Home visit: €35.00
All citizens, including those with ticket exemptions for any reason (pathology, income, etc.), are required to pay.

b) Primary Care Physicians in hourly activity (Medical Guard): activities will take place at the already active locations of Medical Guard during the existing days and hours.
GPs provide outpatient/domiciliary examinations to citizens who are occasionally outside of District Areas other than the referral area by paying the service directly to the GP according to the following rates:
Outpatient visit: €20.00;
Home visit: €35.00;
All citizens, including those with ticket exemptions for any reason (pathology, income, etc.), are required to pay.

2) pediatricians of free choice (PLS):
Free-choice pediatricians will conduct their activities in their private practices and association facilities during office hours.
Pediatricians ensure outpatient/home visits to citizens who are occasionally outside the area of reference by paying the service directly to the Pediatrician according to the following rates:
Outpatient visit: $30.00;
Home visit: €45.00;
All citizens, including those with ticket exemptions for any reason (pathology, income, etc.), are required to pay.

Click here for the schedules of General Practitioners and Pediatricians in the City of Roseto degli Abruzzi.